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Pillow Secrets

Sleeping on satin is an ancient beauty secret. Due to the smoothness of the fabric, it does not only polish your hair, it also prevents brittle hair and split ends. Because satin, unlike cotton, is so smooth, the facial skin at night has even less to endure why no more sleep wrinkles will occur.

Sleeping on a pillow of the natural fiber Viscose is an absolute comfortable treat for the night. This super smooth fabric feels as soft as silk and has a strong absorption ability which will be beneficial for your nightrest. Each morning you will wake up smiling, noticing the positive effects satin has achieved for your hair and skin!

This beautiful shiny fabric feels as soft as silk and also has an absorbent capacity. The breathability effect will only further promote your night's sleep while you benefit from the positive effects that satin has on your hair and skin morning after morning!

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